LinusPauling, a famous American nutritionist and twice Nobel Prize winner, found that when normal cell often lack a certain amount of nutrients, they are prone to various diseases.
For example, insufficient intake of protein often leads to decreased immunity, making people prone to colds and cancer;
Lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids is prone to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases;
Vitamin A deficiency can lead to dry eye disease;
Calcium deficiency leads to osteoporosis, and so on.
So LinusPauling created orthomolecular medicine (also known as cellular molecular orthodontics), the theory that diseased cells can gradually return to normal when they have access to a variety of balanced nutrients.
The principles of modern nutrition also show that in addition to adequate oxygen, the normal metabolism of tissue cells also needs a balanced balance of the seven nutrients of the human body, namely protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, cellulose and water.

The reality is that many people do not understand the scientific diet and proper nutritional supplements.
To be conservative, 50% of the occurrence and development of many chronic diseases are related to unreasonable diet structure and diet style.
So, says Gao Qiang, executive vice minister of Health, the Chinese people need a food revolution.
But people are busy, how many people are really serious about improving, and increasing the overall naturopathic training institutions is less meaningful than expanding health care investment.
Histiocytic hypoxia
Due to air pollution, especially indoor air pollution and obstructions, such as living rooms, offices, shopping malls, subways and other environments, the oxygen content in the air is less than 21% of normal, and most people spend 90% of the time a day indoors, coupled with modern people’s heart and lung function are weak, so that the body’s tissue cells are often hypoxic.
The factors that indicate cell damage are tens of times larger.
Professor OttoHeinrichWarburg, a famous German medical scientist and winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1931, found that when the oxygen content of human tissue cells is lower than 65% of the normal value, the hypoxic tissue cells are prone to cancer, thus creating the hypoxic disease (cancer).
In my practice for so many years, I have found that cancer patients are generally hypoxic.
About 70% of the body’s calories are provided by sugar.
In the absence of an adequate oxygen supply, glucose is broken down by anaerobic glycolysis into lactic acid and ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which the body uses to store and release energy.
1 gram of glucose, through anaerobic glycolysis, can synthesize 2 molecules of ATP while generating lactic acid, and release a total of 52 kcal heat energy, but under the condition of sufficient oxygen supply, 1 gram of glucose can synthesize 38 molecules of ATP while generating carbon dioxide and water, and release a total of 686 kcal heat energy.

The same 1 gram of glucose, the energy produced under aerobic oxidation conditions is 19 times the energy generated by anaerobic glycolysis, the difference is quite large.
Because in the absence of oxygen, glucose has not been completely oxidized and decomposed, its carbon-hydrogen bond has not been fully opened, and only 1/19 of the energy contained in it has been released.
It can seen from the above facts that only the aerobic oxidation of sugar can provide a large amount of energy for the human body to meet the needs of muscle contraction, nerve excitation conduction, secretion of various glands, maintenance of body temperature and cell growth, division and other life activities.
If the oxygen supply of glucose (or other nutrients, such as fat, protein, etc.) is insufficient during the aerobic oxidation process, the above physiological activities are not enough energy, and there will inevitably be dysfunction of various systems and organs of the human body, leading to the occurrence of various diseases.
For example, when the oxidative decomposition of glucose in the human body fails, the blood sugar concentration rises, and the blood sugar and urine sugar concentration exceed the normal value, diabetes and other chronic diseases will occur.
In nature, there is the same law, if the gasoline, wood, charcoal is in a state of hypoxia when burning, it will produce a large amount of poison gas.
In the human body, too.
The formation of these gases may be the key factor that directly leads to cytopathy.
Learning cardio and breathing styles, including Qigong, yoga and our Mamadol dance routine, is a great way to stay healthy.