Coenzyme Q10 activates cardiac power

Coenzyme Q10 activates cardiac power

The strength of the heart function and the health and vitality of the body are closely related to coenzyme Q10.

Heart, the status of many organs in the human body is self-evident, heart disease has always been a threat to human life and health of the “number one killer”.

According to the newly released “China Cardiovascular Health and Disease Report 2021”, the incidence and fatality rate of cardiovascular diseases in China still tops the list, with up to 330 million patients.

The heart, although only the size of the fist, but it is the delivery of human blood, its health or not, directly related to people’s life health and safety.

In the past, the older people are the high incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, especially the incidence of heart disease has been in the forefront!

And today, more and more “young people” because of work pressure, lack of sleep, sedentary lack of exercise, etc., resulting in mental fatigue, physical dysfunction, and the ability of the heart is gradually challenged!

It is urgent to supplement coenzyme Q10

When the lack of coenzyme Q10 will cause the lack of heart function, resulting in poor blood circulation, is one of the causes of heart disease.


Coenzyme Q10 is one of the indispensable important elements of human life, which can activate the nutrition of human cells and cell energy, and has the functions of improving human immunity, enhancing antioxidant, delaying aging and enhancing human vitality. It is widely used in medicine for cardiovascular system diseases.

In 1958, the father of coenzyme Q10 research, Dr. Carufu of the United States, identified its chemical structure, so he won the highest honor of the American Chemical Society, in actual life, he insisted on taking Q10 for more than 40 years until his death at the age of 91. This has made him consistently recognized as one of the most energetic professors.

Dr. Peter Mitchell of the University of Edinburgh won the 1978 Nobel Prize for his work on coenzyme Q10.

Ten effects of coenzyme Q10

1. Prevention and treatment of heart disease

Lack of coenzyme Q10, usually the heart is the first to be affected, almost all evidence shows that coenzyme Q10 can improve myocardial function, effective treatment of various cardiomyopathy, anti-arrhythmia, angina pectoris, heart failure, coenzyme Q10 can increase the survival of heart failure up to 300%.

Coq10 prevents atherosclerosis and clears LDL cholesterol.

Supplementing with coQ10 greatly reduces the risk of sudden cardiac death.

2. Protects the brain and nerve cells

Besides the heart, the brain is the most active organ in the body with high energy requirements, and CoQ10 maintains a healthy and active brain and nerve cells.

3. Boost energy, stimulate vitality

95% of energy production is related to coenzyme Q10, and one of the roles of CoQ10 is to produce cellular energy.

You will be pleasantly surprised to find that energy, physical strength and endurance are enhanced, no longer feel tired often, coenzyme Q10 is also a favorite of athletes.

4. Prevention and treatment of stroke, Parkinson’s disease and Old people dementia

The treatment and research of Coenzyme Q10 in neurodegenerative diseases are increasing, and it brings new hope for patients with stroke, Parkinson’s disease, neurogenetic disease, ataxia, and Alzheimer’s disease (Alzheimer’s disease) to minimize the neurological damage of these patients.

5. Anti-oxidation anti-aging, reduce signs of aging

Coenzyme Q10 has a powerful antioxidant effect that helps you fight free radicals,

reduces the normal signs of aging, and makes you look younger and more energetic. Many advanced beauty products contain CoQ10.

6. Helps people with high blood pressure reduce their blood pressure by up to 10%

A trial involving 362 patients showed that coQ10 was able to reduce systolic blood pressure by up to 17mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure by up to 10mm Hg.

In another study, 51% of patients with high blood pressure were able to stop one to three blood pressure medications after an average of 4.4 months of treatment with coQ10.

7. Quickly improve gum health

Studies have found that people with gum disease generally have insufficient coenzyme Q10 in their gums,

which is very effective against gum disease, and some patients have seen their gum problems disappear completely in as little as eight weeks.

No wonder CoQ10 toothpaste is still on the market.

8. Reduces the pain and frequency of migraine attacks

A reduction in mitochondrial energy production can trigger migraines, and coQ10 can improve mitochondrial energy metabolism, and clinical trials have shown that coQ10 can even reduce migraine attacks by 55.3%.

9. Neutralize the most harmful side effects of statins

Cholesterol-lowering statins, which reduce coQ10 levels by up to 40 percent, can make heart problems worse.

Experienced doctors will recommend that patients take a supplement of coenzyme Q10 capsules while taking statins to reduce this side effect of statins.

10. Boost immune system

Coenzyme Q10 has a super antioxidant effect, its antioxidant capacity is 50 times that of vitamin E,

by fighting free radicals, keep you from oxidative stress response, strengthen the immune system,

the immune system is the best natural barrier against various diseases.


  • The total content of coenzyme Q10 in the human body is only 500-1500mg, and it decreases with age.
  • The content of coenzyme Q10 in human organs reaches its peak at the age of 20 and then decreases rapidly.
  • The reduction of coenzyme Q10 concentration in the heart is particularly pronounced.
  • 77-year-old people have 57 percent less coenzyme Q10 in their heart muscle than 20-year-olds.
The changing trend of coenzyme Q10 content in human body

Six types of people are most suitable for coQ10 supplementation

In the food we eat, the content of CoQ10 is relatively small.

If you want to add 30 mg of coenzyme Q10, then eat at least 1 kg of sardines or 3 kg of peanuts every day,

for the vast majority of people, it is difficult to insist on doing this for a long time,

supplementing coenzyme Q10 through dietary supplements is a more convenient, quick and practical method.

In middle age, the following six groups have a greater need for coQ10:

1. People with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

Coenzyme Q10 can strengthen the metabolism of myocardium and brain cells,

protect the integrity of the biofilm structure of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular cells, and improve the stability of heart rate and rhythm.

Because it can prevent free radicals from damaging the lining of blood vessels, it can slow the occurrence of atherosclerosis.

2. People who age prematurely

Oxygen free radicals in the body are responsible for aging.

Coenzyme Q10 is a powerful antioxidant that acts as an anti-aging agent by “neutralizing” oxygen free radicals in the form of giving or sharing “electrons” so that they lose their ability to attack healthy cells.

Its antioxidant capacity is 40 times that of vitamin E. Taking coenzyme Q10 and taking vitamin E at the same time will have a multiplier effect.

Coenzyme Q10

3. People who are prone to fatigue and have low immunity

When the immune system can not play a normal protective role, oxygen free radicals will destroy cell membranes, mitochondria, proteins, lipids, DNA, and in the long run,

it will lead to poor physical and intellectual development, making people easy to fatigue.

Supplementing with coQ10 can increase mitochondrial activity and protect it from free radical attacks.

4. People with high blood lipids

One disadvantage of statins is that while reducing blood lipids, they also block the body’s autonomous synthesis of coenzyme Q10.

People with high blood lipids must take CoQ10 when taking statins to better play a role in lipid reduction.

5. diabetic

Coenzyme Q10 can promote the synthesis and secretion of insulin, promote the utilization and transformation of sugar,

prevent the accumulation of sugar in the body, and achieve the purpose of effectively regulating blood sugar,

so it can be used clinically to improve the complications of diabetes.

6. Cancer patient

Coenzyme Q10 can stabilize cell membrane, improve cell viability,

protect the integrity of cell genetic material DNA, and reduce the risk of cancer by reducing oxygen free radicals in the body and avoiding their attack on cells.

It has a potential role in preventing tumor growth clinically.
