Nutritional benefits of glutathione


What is glutathione?

Glutathione is a small molecule peptide that contains three amino acids: glycine, cysteine and glutamic acid. This unique tripeptide structure, especially the non-protein mercaptan part of it, gives GSH biological activity.

Glutathione plays a key role in the regulation of human metabolism and physiological functions, especially the unique peptide bond structure of GSH, in which the gamma-carboxyl group of glutamate is connected to the amine group of cysteine, and the sulfyl group (-SH) on the central cysteine is its main functional group, and it is also the main functional key of GSH to play a role in regulating the environment, promoting health and other functions.

What is the effect of glutathione?

Glutathione exists in the body in two forms: reduced GSH and oxidized GSSG.

GSH can be flexibly converted between the two forms, synergizing the action of vitamins C and E, and is not easily consumed, and affects the structure and activity of proteins through changes in the balance of mercaptan and disulfide. Glutathione Factory

The main benefits of glutathione include:

Maintain youth, beauty

Glutathione helps regulate vitamins C and E, both of which have antioxidant effects that help maintain healthy skin.

Glutathione: The Ultimate Health Supplement

The scientists found that taking 500 mg/d of glutathione capsule improved the skin melanin index in young people, and the researchers also found that topical + oral GSH improved the melanin effect better than using alone.

Regulate physiological function and promote metabolism

In addition to its beauty benefits, glutathione also helps maintain physiological functions, promotes metabolism, and helps the body’s engines to be healthy and active.

A team of American scientists has identified GSH as the most abundant endogenous antioxidant and a key regulator of oxidative stress and immune function. The scientists recruited 54 adults for a clinical study of the long-term effects of GSH supplements on GSH storage in healthy adults.

Those who received GSH increased their intracellular GSH by about 29 percent compared to placebo.

Studies have shown that taking GSH supplements daily can effectively increase the body’s GSH reserves and promote metabolism.

Help you fall asleep and get a good rest

Studies have found that GSH also helps to fall asleep, in the process of aging, the night rest effect does not seem to be as efficient as in the past, through the supplement of glutathione, can help you fall asleep, so that you have a good night’s rest, more refreshed during the day.

Researchers in Villafuerte’s group determined the relationship between sleep duration and oxidative stress, and studies in animal models found that GSH levels in the hypothalamus were significantly reduced under sleep deprivation, and GSH intake reduced oxidative stress during sleep and improved sleep status.

Glutathione can made by the body itself, but it gradually lost with age, and external and internal influences such as light, hot climate, busy work and stress can cause GSH loss. Glycopeptides are consumed more quickly, so supplementation with glutathione rich foods can also help.

L-Glutathione Reduced

Glutathione is found in different parts of different plants, such as leaves, fruits, seeds, skins, petioles, and flowers, and its concentration varies by plant part.

In general, some vegetables and fruits contain higher concentrations of GSH,

Fruit rich in glutathione

Strawberries, lemons, tomatoes, oranges, apples, bananas.

Vegetables rich in glutathione

Broccoli, green pepper, carrots, spinach, broccoli, avocado, etc. These vegetables and fruits are rich in sulfur, which helps boost the production of endogenous GSH in the body.

Who is recommended to take glutathione?

  • 1) Beauty lovers with beauty needs.
  • 2) People who feel their age is increasing and want to help maintain their youth
  • 3) People who regularly engage in outdoor sports and exposure to the sun.
  • 4) People who want to help physiology and boost metabolism.
  • 5) I want to help people who suffer from poor sleep efficiency at night.

Does eating glutathione have side effects?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has designated glutathione as “Generally recognized as safe” (GRAS) to added to foods. Therefore, as long as the recommended dosage supplemented, there is basically no safety risk.

Although GSH considered a safe ingredient and has not well studied, it not recommended for children under 15 years of age and for pregnant and nursing mothers.

The recommended daily intake of glutathione

In terms of intake, many studies have looked at the benefits of 250-500 mg per day and found no adverse effects.

What is the function of glutathione? The whitening effect of glutathione

Therefore, this dose should not cause side effects, and if you are still in doubt about the dosage of the supplement, it is worth consulting a doctor or dietitian before supplementing.

What is glutathione recommended to supplement with

Glutathione can supplemented with vitamins C and E to improve skin health. Girls with beauty needs can also supplement collagen to improve elasticity and firmness.

When to take glutathione

It is recommended to supplement glutathione within half an hour to an hour after eating to reduce the risk of gastrointestinal upset that may be caused.

This can help people who are prone to gastrointestinal problems sleep better at night and have a natural good complexion.


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