What does glutathione do to the skin?

What does glutathione do to the skin

What does glutathione do to the skin, and supplementation with glutathione can reduce dark spots and wrinkles?

What is glutathione?

Glutathione helps maintain normal immune system function and has antioxidant, integrative and detoxifying effects.

The sulfhydryl group on cysteine is its active group (often abbreviated as G-SH), which is easy to combine with some drugs, toxins, etc., so that it has an integrated detoxification effect.

GSH can not only be used as medicine, but also as the base material of functional food, which is widely used in functional food such as delaying aging, enhancing immunity and anti-tumor.

The detoxification effect of GSH is mainly manifested in the ability to combine with various toxins, such as free radicals, heavy metals, fluoride, etc., to eliminate their toxicity, so as to convert harmful substances in the organic body into harmless substances and discharge them together.

Is glutathione important?

Glutathione is the body’s strongest endogenous antioxidant, which can neutralize free radicals and delay the aging of the human body.

GSH plays an important role in the antioxidant network formed by the body in order to remove excessive free radicals, which can lead to aging.

Glutathione can whiten the skin, reduce the formation of melanin, restore the melanin that has formed, in many known as “oral whitening needles”.

GSH has a powerful repairing ability that can improve the immune system and boost immunity.

As we age and lead unhealthy lifestyles such as drinking and smoking, our levels of GSH continue to decline.

Uv light, strenuous exercise, stress, and environmental pollution can also reduce GSH levels in the body.

Reduced levels of glutathione in the human body can lead to disease and aging.

The development of glutathione

1888 years

French scientist Rey-Pailhade discovered that yeast cells have a substance that can mixed with sulfur to produce hydrogen sulfide.

This substance is also present in other living tissues. Because this substance binds to sulfur, it named philo thion.

In Greek, philo means love and thion means mercaptan.

The year 1921

Hopkins discovered that it was self-oxidizing and contained glutamic acid and hemicylamino acid, and renamed it GSH.

The year 1929

Glutathione has shown to a tripeptide composed of three amino acids, namely: glutamate, cysteinc and glycine, which a non-protein low molecular weight mercaptan.

The year 1935

Harington et al. chemically synthesized glutathione and realized the commercialization of GSH.

Meister then demonstrated that GSH catalyzed by two adenine nucleoside triphosphate (ATP) -dependent gamma-glutamylcysteine synthases, GSH I and GSH II.

In the 1980s

The industrial production of glutathione has been realized.

GSH can widely used in health care products, drugs, skin care products and has attracted much attention.

Double-blind trials confirmed that glutathione supplementation can reduce skin dark spots and wrinkles and increase skin elasticity

In a study of 176 healthy individuals, it observed that levels of GSH decrease with age.

Older adults with higher levels of glutathione had fewer diseases, lower cholesterol levels, lower body mass index and lower blood pressure, and about one-third of those with chronic diseases had GSH levels below the lower limit of normal.

Glutathione: a marker and antioxidant for aging

In another 24-week trial, the study involved older adults aged 71-80 years.

During the trial, the participants’ cellular GSH levels increased, their oxidative stress levels decreased, and cognitive function, language ability, physical strength, and insulin resistance all showed significant improvements.

High blood glutathione levels accompany excellentphysical and mental health in women ages 6o to 103 years

In 2017, in a double-blind control clinical trial, participants divided into two groups: one group supplemented with 250mg of reduced glutathione (GSH) per day, and the other group supplemented with the same dose of oxidized glutathione (GSSG).

Compared to the control group, all subjects showed improvement in the reduction of dark spots caused by UV exposure.

Some subjects supplemented with GSH observed a decrease in skin wrinkles and an increase in skin elasticity.

This suggests that glutathione supplementation has the potential to improve the skin and that it can have a positive effect whether it reduced or oxidized.

GSH, as a natural oxidizing and reducing agent, plays an important role in skin whitening.

The main ingredient of whitening needles is GSH, which has the function of inhibiting melanin synthesis, reducing melanosis, promoting the decomposition and excretion of melanin.

Can glutathione supplement reduce dark spots and wrinkles?

1, inhibit melanin synthesis

Glutathione can inhibit melanin synthesis by inhibiting tyrosinase activity.

2, Antioxidant effect

Glutathione has powerful antioxidant properties that can remove free radicals from the body and reduce melanin production.

3, promote melanin decomposition and excretion

Promote melanin breakdown and excretion Glutathione can promote the breakdown and excretion of melanin, help reduce melanosis, improve uneven skin color problems.