Whitening, anti-aging, and liver protection, glutathione is so powerful

Whitening, anti-aging, liver protection, glutathione

Glutathione is a short peptide composed of 3 amino acids that is present in almost every cell of the body and has two important antioxidant and integrated detoxification effects.

Glutathione can help maintain the normal function of the immune system, and has an antioxidant effect, integrated detoxification effect, not only can used for drugs, but also as the base material of functional food, in anti-aging, enhance immunity, anti-tumor and other functional food widely used.

At present, glutathione drugs have artificially developed and widely used in clinical, in addition to the use of its sulfhydryl group to chelate heavy metals, fluoride, mustard gas and other toxins poisoning, but also used in hepatitis, hemolytic diseases and keratitis, cataracts and retinal diseases, as an auxiliary treatment of drugs.

Action and efficacy of glutathione

Glutathione Whitening effect

Melanocytes are located in the basal layer of the epidermis of the human body. When the skin exposed to ultraviolet light, melanocytes secrete melanin.

Glutathione can interfere with the synthesis of melanin through the following mechanisms:

Glutathione can directly inhibit the activity of tyrosinase.

Interferes with the cellular transfer of tyrosinase to forward melanosomes;

Inhibition of tyrosinase achieved indirectly through its antioxidant effect.


The aging process of organisms the result of the accumulation of free radicals continuously produced by the tissues and cells of the body.

Glutathione exists in reduced form (GSH) and oxidized form (GSSG).

Glutathione has powerful antioxidant capacity and has shown to clear reactive oxygen species produced in epidermal cells induced by ultraviolet radiation.

Anti-aging effect

Reactive oxygen species can act on proteins, such as directly hydrolyzing the collagen peptide chain, or causing the peptide chain to break directly from the alpha-carbon atom. Glutathione cleans up free radicals and prevents proteins from being oxidized.

What do the experts have to say

Glutathione is a tripeptide of three amino acids: glutamine, cystine and glycine, and it is a very important amino acid that our bodies metabolize normally.

It participates in this REDOX reaction in our body, so it is very important for the detoxification function of our body, the metabolic function of sugar and fat eggs, and the function of metabolism.

There’s an endogenous version of GSH, which is a tripeptide of these three amino acids that we just talked about, and there’s an exogenous version.

When these glutathiones in our bodies are not enough, we can supplement exogenous GSH to protect cell membranes, remove oxygen free radicals, promote metabolism, and stabilize the metabolic organs of the body.

So glutathione is a very important endogenous amino acid in our body, and of course when we are not enough we can supplement the exogenous one, which can help us to play the role of protecting the liver cell membrane and protecting the liver.