Review of the North American Food Ingredients Exhibition

Fi North America 2023 Review

From October 25th to 26th, we went to Las Vegas, USA to participate in the Fi North America 2023. The exhibition participated in this time is one of the largest food ingredients exhibitions in North America, attracting many Businesses and professionals come to visit.

Fi North America 2023 Review

We displayed a variety of high-quality products at this exhibition, including glutathione (GSH), β-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) and Citicoline Sodium (CDPC) and other special products, which attracted many domestic and foreign customers. Merchants stopped to watch, consult and negotiate, which widely praised.

Fi North America 2023 Review
Fi North America 2023 Review

This is an industry feast, but also a journey of harvest. The company has always committed to the innovative research and development of high value-added APIs, important pharmaceutical intermediates and cosmetic raw materials. Over the years, it has adhered to green environmental protection, technological innovation and global layout,

and has achieved A certain amount of brand accumulation has achieved. We pleased to see that many customers have spoken highly of our products and services.


Although this exhibition has ended, we look forward to meeting you next time. In the future, we will continue to strengthen our research and development capabilities and global layout capabilities,

maintain a leading position in the industry, and continue to bring you better and higher-quality products and services!

GSH BIO-TECH is an innovative high-tech enterprise with the core of enzyme catalysis technology in the field of synthetic biology and the interdisciplinary application of multidisciplinary technology. The aim is to develop biotechnology and industrialization of high value-added API.

The p ioneer of the global enzymatic catalyzed coupled ATP regeneration technology,

we advocate green production and has been committed to providing customers with better and more environmentally friendly products and services.

As a powerful production-oriented enterprise, we truly integrate R&D, production and sales,

with stable supply and quality for customers and double guarantee of service.