
The main effects of glutathione on the skin

glutathione (r-glutamyl cysteingl +glycine, GSH) is a tripeptide containing gamma-amide bond and sulfhydryl group, composed of glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine, which exists in almost every cell of the human body, and has antioxidant and integrated detoxification effects. Detoxifying glutathione is involved in biotransformation The thiol group on cysteine the active group of glutathione (so…

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Glutathione Whitening

What is the usage and dosage of glutathione for whitening? Whitening needle

Usage and dosage of glutathione for whitening Regarding glutathione whitening, it is an increasingly popular skincare technique that can effectively improve uneven skin tone on the face. The principle of glutathione whitening is to improve uneven skin tone on the face by reducing pigment deposition and achieving even skin tone. Firstly, users can purchase glutathione…

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